1. SC Ray the Frenchie SRL offers access to this site free of charge in order to provide information about Ray the Frenchie SRL, its capabilities and the work it has done for its clients over the years. We welcome visitors to the site, but also want to make it clear what rules apply to your use of our site. The sole authorized use of this site is to obtain information about Ray the Frenchie SRL, no other use is permitted.

2. Copyright in all material on this site is owned by SC Ray the Frenchie SRL or its clients; copyright in the compilation of all materials on this site is owned by Ray the Frenchie  Copyright SC Ray the Frenchie SRL 2020 All rights reserved.  No materials on this site may be reproduced, altered or further distributed without SC Ray the Frenchie SRL prior written permission.

3. All trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos and trade styles on this site are owned by Ray the Frenchie SRL or its clients. Proper use is limited to use in connection with the products and services of the mark owner and no other use is permitted without the owner’s prior written permission. The following marks are owned by Ray the Frenchie SRL

4. Ray the Frenchie may collect and store personally identifiable information about users who visit this site and voluntarily submit information in contacting Ray the Frenchie. Ray the Frenchie can also collect and store aggregate or anonymous information about user contact with and use of the site. Ray the Frenchie may use this information to contact you about our products and services or those of our clients from time to time. You may ask us to delete any information about you and cease further contact at any time by sending us a request marked “Privacy-Urgent”, address as follows: contact@raythefrenchie.com

5. Ray the Frenchie’s policy is not to accept or consider any unsolicited ideas or materials of any kind. Do NOT submit any such materials at any time. If you violate this, we reserve the right to consider all materials submitted as non-confidential and free of any claims of proprietary or personal rights. Such material and all rights will be our property, free and clear of any claims by you or others, and we will be able to use them for any purpose, including advertising and promotion, without compensation or any other obligations to anyone, including you.

6. Ray the Frenchie assumes no responsibility for the security of this site or your communications with the site. It’s strictly prohibited to link any other sites with this site without Ray the Frenchie’s prior written permission. We may permit some links for convenience, but Ray the Frenchie has no responsibility for the unaffiliated sites to which it is linked or for material posted to this site by anyone other than Ray the Frenchie.

7. It is strictly prohibited to use or contact this site to disrupt or damage the site, its contents or its security measures or to harass or disparage Ray the Frenchie or its clients or their respective products or services or personnel. No unsolicited email (spam) may be directed to or through this site.

8. If you believe that any material on this site, whether posted by us or by third parties, violates the copyrights or other rights of third parties, please contact us with complete details at contact@raythefrenchie.com, so that we can make an informed decision about possible deletion.

9. This site is offered AS IS and without warranties of any kind. Ray the Frenchie disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a specific purpose as well as title or non-infringement. We are not responsible for timeliness, accuracy, unavailability or interruptions in availability, viruses or other defects in the site or its contents. In no event shall Ray the Frenchie be responsible for any damages to users or their computer systems or otherwise, even if Ray the Frenchie has been informed of the possibility of such damages and without regard to negligence.

11. Ray the Frenchie’s headquarters are in Oradea. This site as well as these rules are subject to the laws of Romania, Europe, regardless of the location of the user, and any claims of any kind related thereto must be filed in the courts located in the City and State of Oradea, Bihor, Romania.

12. Use of this site is subject to these rules and all of the foregoing terms and conditions which you as user accept by contacting and using this site and which govern all use and all results thereof.

13. Ray the Frenchie reserves the right to revise and update these rules at any time, effective on the date of posting to the site of the new and amended rules.
